Carbon Neutral Policy

Carbon Neutral Policy for Fire Services Central Ltd

  1. IntroductionAt Fire Services Central Ltd (FSC Ltd), we recognise the urgent need to address climate change and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Our goal is to become a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030. This policy outlines our approach to achieving this goal through sustainable practices, carbon reduction initiatives, and offsetting residual emissions.
  2. ScopeThis policy applies to all operations, facilities, employees, and stakeholders involved with FSC Ltd within the UK and, where applicable, globally.
  3. Objectives
    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with science-based targets.
    • Increase energy efficiency across all operations.
    • Promote the use of renewable energy sources.
    • Offset any remaining emissions to achieve carbon neutrality.
  4. Carbon Reduction Strategy4.1 Energy Efficiency
    • Conduct energy audits to identify areas for improvement.
    • Implement energy-saving measures such as LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart thermostats.
    • Optimise heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

    4.2 Renewable Energy

    • Transition to 100% renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power.
    • Install on-site renewable energy generation systems where feasible.

    4.3 Transportation

    • Promote the use of electric or hybrid vehicles for company fleets.
    • Encourage public transportation, carpooling, and cycling for employees.
    • Implement remote working policies to reduce commuting emissions.

    4.4 Waste Management

    • Adopt a zero-waste approach by reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.
    • Implement a robust waste segregation and recycling programme.

    4.5 Sustainable Procurement

    • Source goods and services from suppliers with strong environmental credentials.
    • Prioritise products with low environmental impact, including those with minimal packaging and those that are recyclable or compostable.
  5. Carbon Offsetting
    • Partner with reputable carbon offset providers to offset any unavoidable emissions.
    • Invest in projects such as reforestation, renewable energy, and community-based carbon reduction initiatives.
  6. Monitoring and Reporting
    • Regularly measure and report our carbon footprint.
    • Set interim targets to track progress towards our carbon neutrality goal.
    • Publish annual sustainability reports detailing our achievements and areas for improvement.
  7. Employee Engagement and Training
    • Educate and engage employees on sustainability practices and the importance of reducing our carbon footprint.
    • Provide training on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable practices.
  8. Stakeholder Collaboration
    • Work with clients, suppliers, and partners to promote sustainability across the value chain.
    • Participate in industry initiatives and collaborate with other organisations to share best practices.
  9. Review and Continuous Improvement
    • Regularly review and update this policy to reflect new technologies, best practices, and regulatory requirements.
    • Continuously seek innovative solutions to further reduce our environmental impact.
  10. Governance
    • Assign a dedicated sustainability team to oversee the implementation of this policy.
    • Ensure senior management commitment and accountability for achieving carbon neutrality.

By adopting this carbon neutral policy, FSC Ltd aims to lead by example in the fight against climate change, demonstrating that business success and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand.

Date: 1st January 2024

Authorised by: A C Thompson, Managing Director

Elevate Your Business with Strategic CSR Initiatives

Under the new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulations in the United Kingdom, companies that are required to include non-financial information in their strategic reports are generally large companies. The definition of a large company is based on meeting two out of three criteria set forth in the UK Companies Act 2006, as amended by the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018:

  1. Turnover: More than £36 million (approximately USD 46 million)
  2. Balance Sheet Total: More than £18 million (approximately USD 23 million)
  3. Number of Employees: More than 250

Companies meeting these criteria must report on various non-financial matters, including CSR-related information. This typically includes:

  • Environmental matters (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions)
  • Social matters (e.g., employee relations and working conditions)
  • Employee-related matters (e.g., diversity and inclusion)
  • Respect for human rights
  • Anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters

The specific content of the non-financial information should include:

  • A brief description of the company’s business model
  • A description of the policies pursued by the company in relation to the above matters, including due diligence processes implemented
  • The outcome of these policies
  • The principal risks related to these matters linked to the company’s operations include, where relevant and proportionate, its business relationships, products, or services that are likely to cause adverse impacts in those areas, and how the company manages those risks.
  • Non-financial key performance indicators relevant to the particular business

These requirements aim to increase transparency and accountability among large companies regarding their impact on society and the environment.

We offer comprehensive solutions to help your business seamlessly integrate CSR responsibilities, enhancing your corporate reputation, fostering sustainable growth, and driving positive community impact.