Q, Why do I need my Fire Extinguishers serviced?

A, To comply fully with your legal requirements to provide safe environment for your occupants, employees, public, etc.

Q, What benefit does the Fire Extinguisher service give me and my business?

A, Full compliance to your legal obligation and insurance requirements; along with total “peace of mind”.

Q, Does my business need its Fire Extinguishers serviced?

A, Yes no one is exempt, extinguishers are fitted as a requirement of planning laws and thus must be maintained.

Q, Do I need my Fire Extinguishers serviced every year?

A, Yes, under BS5306-3

Q, What is British Standard BS5306-3

A, This is the standard which controls the way we carry out your service of portable fire extinguishers. It requires a minimum of an annual service to ensure they operate when required.

 Q, What is British Standard BS5306-8

A, This is a standard which gives advice and guidance on the suitability and positioning of portable fire extinguishers.

Q, What does the engineer do during his visit?

A, Check that every extinguisher is working, clean, sealed and labelled and importantly, is suitable for its environment.

Q, Does the engineers visit, disrupt my business?

A, Our engineers are flexible and normally work around any disruption issues.

Q, What do I get at the end of the Fire Extinguisher service?

A, Certificate detailing our visit and when next service is due, requirement report if needed and engineers service report.

Q, What are different types of Extinguishers used for?

A, Please call the office for further details.

Q, How long do Fire extinguishers last?

A, The normal shelf life is between 5 to 10 years depending on the type of extinguisher. 

Q, What is commissioning of an Extinguisher

A, Commissioning of an extinguisher will have the same checks as a service however these checks will be a lot more thorough to make sure there are no damages and any corrosion on the extinguisher.

Q, What is a Fire risk assessment and why do I need one?

A, A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. It is your duty to identify fire risks and hazards in your premises and take appropriate action.