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Fire Services Central Ltd Quality Policy
The quality policy of Fire Services Central Limited is to operate to recognised British Standards including the international standard ISO 9001:2008.
We strive to improve our level of service, promote and develop a culture of continuous improvement in order to exceed customer satisfaction expectations.
To ensure the continued success of the business our personnel receive the necessary training and development to carry out their roles in an efficient manner.
The performance of the QMS and our quality objectives will be reviewed to ensure their effectiveness and continued suitability at the annual management review meetings. It is our policy to improve the performance of the QMS.
The contents of this quality policy shall be communicated to all personnel during induction training and its understanding verified during internal audits of the quality management system.
Approved by
A. Thompson
Managing Director
1st April 2011
OP.3 Issue Date 1/4/2011:
Find Out More about Fire Services Central Ltd
Contact our Fire Alarm System Installation and Maintenance team by email or call us today on 0121 525 1976 to discuss your fire alarm needs